B3 Sciences - Blood Flow Restriction cuffs

Experience the best blood flow restriction cuff on the market. BFR Exercise has been around for 50 years in Japan and is quickly gaining notoriety in the west. These BFR Bands are superior to all others regarding ease of use, safety, comfort, product support. This is the brand of cuff used by the US Olympic Team, Kansas City Chiefs, Golden State Warriors, Boston Red Sox and more professional and professional organizations than any other BFR band.

Click HERE to purchase a set of B3 Bands


The Rezzimax Tuner Pro II is a powerful, convenient, and incredibly versatile tool for effectively reducing pain of a variety of types. The Tuner Pro is also a very effective stacking tool for enhancing a variety of neurology based exercises and drills. If you’re looking here then you have probably already experienced what the Tuner Pro II has done for you.

Click HERE to purchase a Rezzimax Tuner Pro II


The BEMER is a powerful therapeutic tool that delivers a patented wave form frequency via pulsed electromagnetic field technology. This patented wave form enhances blood flow at the capillary level of the body by up to 70% for 8-12 hours after just one 8 minute session.

Click HERE to LEARN more about BEMER or if you are ready to purchase a BEMER PRO SET for yourself.